A Little Bit About Me

Hey! My name is Dhruv and I'm a web developer with a passion for front end development
and design. I'm currently a final year B.Tech student at
Maharishi Makendeshwar (Deemed to
be University). pursuing my bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering.
When I'm not on the computer, I enjoy Cooking, Working out, Audiobooks, Podcasts
and reading about Golbal Affairs!
TL;DR? Self Proclamations:
Web Developer
Problem Solver
Gym Rat
What I Do
Design isn't just what a product looks like and feels like on the outside. Design encompasses the internal functionality of a product as well as the overall user experience. I strive to design interfaces and experiences that people can enjoy on all digital mediums.
With a strong foundation in computer science, I'm passionate about web and mobile development.As I grow as a developer, I hope to write clean, readable code that can be used by others and leveraged to create beautiful software.
At MMDU, I was a Core team member of Google Developers Students Club for 3 years where we learned and organised various workshops on Trending and emerging technologies. I was also a CP lead At CodeChef campus chapter for 1 session where our team did organised some competations and seminars to develope competative programming culture in our campus!
I've been writing code for about 4 years now, and I'm always eager to learn more in this fast paced industry.
Some technologies I've worked with:

Check out my résumé!
What I've Done
(more coming soon)
Web App
This version of sudoku was built using vanila JS. I always wanted
to built one since i started to solve these!
This is a fully functional sudoku with over 23000 random puzzels built as a weekend project.
Rock Paper Scissors
Web App
This project is built as an assessment challenge from the Clever
Programmer Youtube channel to test my js skills.
and lately transformed it according to my liking.
GO ahead give it a try!.
Web Development Homepage
Landing Page
This was a very simple landing page I made for my web development class,hosted on github pages. It contains all the information about me.
Note: The live assignment is not working due to having to remove functionality from the assignment to make my final project run smoothly.
This was built as an curosity to know about QR codes, and here it is built a real time web app to generate the code!
a Cloud sharing website
DropHere is a cloud sharing website that helps in sharing the files over cloud without any middeware
One Card For All
Mullen's Holiday Card 2015
In the spirit of wishing the world peace and joy during the 2015 holiday season, Mullen built a site around an algorithm that generates a holiday greeting to each and every person on the planet. We also accounted for newcomers being added at an amazing rate. Overall, the website is a tranquil, animated experience. As new names appear, visitors can watch them fall, like snowflakes, onto a stylized world map. Users can also find their own name and see it as part of the world collective.
Check out this short video describing the project!
Medicine and the Military
Medicine and the Military is one of the Department of Defense sites I was involved in working on while at Mullen. I worked on various elements of the website, including the full bleed header video, many design tweaks, and the overall experience in general.
JetBlue HumanKinda
Tumblr Site
At Mullen, I played a major role in the development and design of
this Tumblr site to complement JetBlue's new HumanKinda documentary. The site houses the
video documentary at the top, the many graphics created by Mullen for the campaign, and an
interactive quiz to determine how "HumanKinda" you are.
Read more about this project on AdWeek, Fast Company, and Digiday!
U.S. Cellular Landing Pages
Static Template Promo Sites
At Mullen, I was resonsible for the development of several of U.S.
Cellular's landing pages. Each landing page was for a different campaign, and each page
lived in U.S. Cellular's static template.
A few pages I built can be found here, here, and here.
Mullen Display Screens
I was involved in the prototyping and initial development of Mullen Display Screens, which was an in-house project at Mullen Lowe's Boston office. This site is displayed on various TV screens around the office as an convenient way to keep employees and guests informed about what goes on at Mullen Lowe. With a Wordpress backend, it's easy for Mullen employees to maintain and update the information displayed by the site.
Tumblr Site
For Lovesac's 20th anniversary, Mullen built this Tumblr timeline site to document Lovesac's history juxtaposed with different cultural trends and pop culture throughout the years. I inherited the code for this shortly before launch, and was responsible for finishing the development on a tight deadline, as well as handling hotfixes.
Mullen Lowe's Website
In the beginning of my co-op at Mullen, I tackled and fixed many major bugs and blockers for the company website. I worked with digital producers to create a site style guide and optimized the homepage particle image across all browsers.
A Compilation of Front End Dev Bookmarks
One day I realized my bookmarks folder was overflowing and disorganized. So, I decided to make what I had always hoped my bookmarks folder to look like. This site is essentially a visualization of my bookmarks folder, and also a resource for other developers and designers. This site is mainly for my personal reference, but hopefully, other people find it useful.
NOTE: Optimized for desktop only.
All-In-One Calendar/Scheduling Web App
While taking Northeastern's Human Computer Interaction Course, my team and I built a prototype of a web application called Calendr to streamline and mitigate the number of applications that students use to manage their lives. We conceptualized, tested, and developed an all-in-one calendar/homework assignment/to-do list application designed specifically for students. For the purposes of our course, we only implemented a prototype of the front end, which we did with HTML, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, and the bootstrap framework.
Read about the steps we took to create the final product here.
HCI Course Website
Homework Submission Website
This was the simple homework submission website that I created for my human computer interaction class in the spring of 2015. Built using using HTML, CSS, and the foundation framework by Zurb. It is where you can find my homework assignments, paper critiques, and group project assignments.
Oblivion Themes
Custom Tumblr Themes & Theme Blog
In my spare time I enjoy designing and developing custom Tumblr themes for free. Oblivion Themes is a theme blog that I created to showcase and open source my custom themes. Creating these themes are a productive way for me to keep coding in front end languages and learn new tricks in my free time. I haven't released any new themes recently, but I hope and plan on creating many more themes in the future.
Get In Touch!
Whether you have an idea for a project or just want to chat, feel free to shoot me an email!