Hi, I'm Dhruv

Web Developer & Problem Solver

A Little Bit About Me

Hey! My name is Dhruv and I'm a web developer with a passion for front end development and design. I'm currently a final year B.Tech student at Maharishi Makendeshwar (Deemed to be University). pursuing my bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering.

When I'm not on the computer, I enjoy Cooking, Working out, Audiobooks, Podcasts and reading about Golbal Affairs!

TL;DR?  Self Proclamations:

Web Developer
Problem Solver
Gym Rat

What I Do


Design isn't just what a product looks like and feels like on the outside. Design encompasses the internal functionality of a product as well as the overall user experience. I strive to design interfaces and experiences that people can enjoy on all digital mediums.


With a strong foundation in computer science, I'm passionate about web and mobile development.As I grow as a developer, I hope to write clean, readable code that can be used by others and leveraged to create beautiful software.


At MMDU, I was a Core team member of Google Developers Students Club for 3 years where we learned and organised various workshops on Trending and emerging technologies. I was also a CP lead At CodeChef campus chapter for 1 session where our team did organised some competations and seminars to develope competative programming culture in our campus!


I've been writing code for about 4 years now, and I'm always eager to learn more in this fast paced industry.

Some technologies I've worked with:

Check out my résumé!

What I've Done

(more coming soon)



Rock Paper Scissors


Landing Page


MY QR (QR Code Generator)


DropHere - A cloud sharing platform

Get In Touch!

Whether you have an idea for a project or just want to chat, feel free to shoot me an email!

Say Hello

Other places you can find me

Lets fly!